
Impacting Lives For Eternity

Give Online

Online giving is a safe and easy way to invest in all God is doing at New Hope Hawaii Kai to create a movement making every heart and every home alive in Christ.

Give Now

God owns it all.

Psalm 24:1; Psalm 50:10-12

God calls us to steward what he has entrusted us with.

Matthew 25:14-30

God calls us to give him our first and best.

Genesis 4:3–5; Proverbs 3:8-9

God modeled generosity for us by giving his one and only son, Jesus, to die in our place.

John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 8:9

God calls us to test him in generosity and that he will provide exactly what we need.

Malachi 3:10–11; 2 Corinthians 9:11
The Easiest way to Give

Automate Your Giving

Setting up a recurring gift is a great way to consistently put God first in your finances. Recurring giving is easy and takes just minutes to set up. Simply choose your schedule and amount to automate your giving today.

Set up a Recurring Gift
Ways to Give

Multiple Ways to Give Safely and Securely

ACH or Credit

Using our safe, secure online giving platform, you can feel safe about your gift.

Give Now

Give Stock

Donating stock is one of the most tax-efficient ways to give. You can make a bigger impact and save on your taxes.

Give Stock

GiVe Crypto

If you are one of the growing number of crypto users, you can donate appreciated crypto currencies and reap a tax savings. 

Give Crypto

Give DAF

If you have a Donor Advised Fund of DAF, we've made it easy for you to make a tax advantaged donation. 

Give From A DAF

Give IN Person

You can always donate cash or checks in person on Sunday Mornings or in our office during normal business hours. 

Give by Mail

Want to mail a check? No problem. You can mail your gift to:

New Hope Hawaii Kai
7192 Kalanianaole Hwy. Suite D201
Honolulu, HI 96825

Financial Accountability

Stewardship Practices

New Hope Hawaii Kai  is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, which requires high standards of biblical accountability, board governance, financial transparency, integrity in fundraising, and proper use of charity resources.

We desire for the financial integrity of New Hope Hawaii Kai to remain above reproach. In these practices and in all that we do, we strive to honor God’s provision by pursuing wise and faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and transparent accountability.