Don't Waste Your Wilderness


1. Jesus was SPIRIT-FILLED
Luke 4:1 (CSB) - Then Jesus left the Jordan, full of The Holy Spirit....

2. Jesus was SPIRIT-LED
Luke 4:1-2 (CSB) - Then Jesus left the Jordan, full of The Holy Spirit, and was led by The Spirit in the wilderness for forty days to be tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and when they were over, He was hungry.

LUKE 4:14 (CSB) - Then Jesus returned to Galilee in The Power of the Spirit and news about Him spread throughout the entire vicinity.

How can I be Spirit-Filled, Spirit-Led, & live Spirit-Powered? JUST P.R.A.Y.

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21 Days of Prayer Resources:

  1. Spirit-Filled Prayer Guide
  2. Spirit-Filled Family Moments Guide
  3. Successful Fasting & Prayer: Why & How To?
  4. Gathered Prayer at New Hope Hawaii Kai Ministry Center:
    a. Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday Morning 6am-7am
    b. Friday Evening 7pm