Growth Track

Taking your Next Steps in Faith

What's Growth Track?

Whether you are new in your faith, reconnecting with your faith in God or just wanting to explore more of what God is doing at our church, Growth Track is a great next step.  

Our Growth Track is a series of 11 small group sessions hosted by our team in our Koko Marina church office or over Zoom. These sessions are here to help you know God personally, connect in a gospel-centered community, grow deep in your spiritual life and discover the strengths of your purposeful design so that you can use your God-given gifts to experience God more and make a difference in the lives of others. 

In each 90 Minute weekly session, we usually:

  • Connect and Talk Story
  • Watch a video teaching by Pastor Pat
  • Discuss the video and answer questions in the Growth Track Manual

We hope that taking the next steps in our Growth Track will help anchor your identity in Christ so that you will be a healthy, growing follower of Jesus, experiencing the abundant life God created for you. Click below to find out more and register today!

Interested in taking your Next Step with Growth Track?

Know God

In our first 4 sessions we learn what the Bible teaches about what it means to KNOW GOD and how to love Him with every part of our life. More specifically, we cover:

  • The Power of the Good News of Jesus
  • What a life of delight looks like in Jesus
  • Why is a community so important to our faith and journey with God
  • Why your Personal Story (testimony) is so important

Get Connected

In these 4 sessions, you'll discover who we are, why we’re here, and where we’re going as a church. You’ll also discover who you are in Christ and what He is calling you to do. It's a way for us to dive deeper into the who, what, where, why, when, and how of our faith. We cover:

  • Who we are at New Hope Hawaii Kai and why we are here
  • What being part of a church means
  • Our identity, calling & assignment in Christ
  • How are we supposed to grow in our understanding and practice of who we are in Jesus

Grow Deep

In the last 3 sessions we will help you find your place at New Hope Hawaii Kai by understanding your personality, spiritual gifts, and passions. We cover:

  • What it means to be a leader
  • What your God-given Spiritual gifts are
  • Understanding your personality
  • How to develop your own spiritual growth plan to help you grow in Christ and His character
  • How to Connect to the opportunities available at New Hope to make a difference in your community and serve others by using your God-given gifts

Find Purpose

After you complete Growth Track we'll schedule a one-on-one connection with one of our Serve Team members to talk about what your next step might be. You'll get the chance to meet and talk about what where you feel like you may want to get involved, where you'd like to serve, or to simply get clarity on what your next step may be in your spiritual growth.