21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Prayer Changes Everything

Prayer Changes Everything

In all of the gospel accounts of Jesus’ life there was only one written record of the disciples asking Jesus to specifically teach them something. They asked, “Jesus, teach us to pray.” While it is safe to say that Jesus taught them all sorts of truths and principles, it’s notable that this is the only topic that teaching was specifically requested. For many of us, it’s assumed that we would just know how to pray. We do it before meals. We do it before a baseball game or a meeting, but what would it look like if we set our hearts on seeking God through a growing prayer life.

Join us from August 5 - 25, 2024 as we pray and fast as a church. Below you'll find great information and resources to help you and your family grow in prayer.

Let’s Pray Together!

Join us at our Church Office & Ministry Center! During this season of prayer and fasting. We will be gathering for corporate Prayer and Worship and we'd love for you to join us. We are located in the Koko Marina Shopping Center above Moana Sweets.

  • Monday: 6AM to 7AM at the Church office
  • Tuesday: 6AM to 7AM at the Church office
  • Wednesday: 6AM to 7AM at the Church office
  • Thursday: 6AM to 7AM at the Church office

  • Friday: 7PM at the Church Office

View Prayer Resources

*Fasting requires reasonable precautions. Consult your physician first, especially if you take prescription medication or have a chronic ailment. Some persons should never fast without professional supervision.

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